There were days that I sat in the simulator; numbed by pain, with no clue of what Andy (my instructor) was talking about and just waiting for my class to end. Thankfully Andy (being the awesome instructor he is), always found a way to keep me engaged, teaching and explaining holding patterns, approaches, DP’s and STAR’s, over and over again.
Upon touching down in Madison, I taxied off the runway and began my after landing checklist, just in time to experience the unforgettable yet indescribable feeling of having a few F-16’s with full afterburners depart the runway(whew!). In the aftershock, while letting the dust settle within the still trembling cabin of N74WR, I received taxi clearance to the FBO and parked.
At the FBO, I met a fellow female aviator who invited me on-board her private jet, where I got to sit in the left hand seat and exchange notes with a seasoned pilot on the aircraft, my aviation dreams and taking my training to the commercial level. I received plenty of really good advice and it was in very this moment, while seated in the cockpit of her aircraft, that I realized that dreams do come true. Granted, some dreams are easy and just happen in life, some dreams you must work at and persevere through the hardest of times to achieve and some dreams like stars are way out of reach but still worth a try, but in this moment, my dream has come true.
I remembered a wall plaque I got in Florida a few years back that simply stated, “Never Never Ever Give Up”. I still find myself some days in great pain, and remember to never give up on my dreams. I realize I have learned so much in such a short time and there is still plenty more to accomplish as I press forward in fulfilling many more dreams. There are no words that could describe the sincere gratitude I hold for Andy, Andrew and Bob for the training, guidance and support they have given me- Andy especially, thank you, for helping me make my dreams come true!