As many of you know we had our very first coordinated fly-out activity on August 22nd 2010 to Lake Lawn Lodge and Resort in Wisconsin. The overall turn out for the fly-out was way beyond our humble expectations and we would like to thank all of you for taking the time to come hang-out aviation style. We all had a great time, the Lake Lawn staff were excellent and very courteous, from shuttle service that made repeated runs until everyone was settled for brunch; to the brunch itself, which was a true ‘all you can eat’ fest with seafood, pasta, breakfast goodies, carving, omelet and dessert stations, and an endless coffee supply; first class service all the way.
Starting off was the coordinated lift off from IAA and arrival to lake lawn. This in and of itself was entertainment for the day: to start off, the runway at lake lawn had cracks overgrown with grass, making it invisible from all the greenery until you were right upon it -so Bob wore the traffic control hat and talked everyone in to a safe landing (very professional job too!).However spotting the runway was just the beginning; next came a fleet of birds that camped out in one of the trees and aimed straight for the propellers, on every approach (lots of birds, all apparently blind!); then if you got past this airport security, next came a family of storks (or cranes, we pulled a blagojevich –split-decision), a mom, pop and babe, that couldn’t decide which section of the runway they wanted to be on and as such were running all over the place...luckily we left them all intact (despite their continuous suicide missions).
Suffice to say everyone had their Captain’s hat on that day and with the exception of a few bird losses, made it safely to the parking lot. Once at the lodge, we had breakfast, then ran off in different directions, it was a beautiful day outside and if you’ve never been to Lake Lawn before, it is an absolute must for summer. There were boat rides, water skiing, kayaking, boating races; you name it they had it going.We were at Lake Lawn for about 4 hours and by 12:00noon, the early birds began to head back for IAA. Total trip time: about 1 hr: 15 minutes, (with the exception of the Diamondstar, Cirrus and Aztec), Total turn-out: about 35 people, next stop: to be announced soon!
Justine Kakembo, Editor.